How To Protect Your Brain From Being Eaten by Ideology, Idiocy, and Bad-Faith Arguments
A few years ago when I quit the news, I also quit reading articles. Specifically, ones forwarded to me via email by people who do not generally read. Like a food diet, my information diet needed to be protected. Books were allowed in. Documentaries, in. Debate, in. Forwarded articles were a no. Social media, no. (…)
My Christmas Wish Is A New Emergent Culture
Just skip a week. This is what people suggest when I tell them I’m tired. “Just skip a week, no one will notice.” They tell me to quit writing emails, not cook dinner, don’t go to the gym, leave the laundry on the floor, get a sitter. They say none of you will notice if (…)
What The Inner Game of Tennis Can Teach You About Copywriting
We recently moved to a new city in which I have approximately two IRL friends. Those two friends thought it would be fun to play tennis. I did not. I do not play tennis nor am I interested in learning tennis. At my spouse’s urging to invest in new relationships (also peer pressure) I accepted (…)
How To Write Cold Emails That Get Opened
The latest bro marketing trend, which you will recognize from your spam folder, is offering business owners a “chance to be featured” in a bogus media outlet for the low low price of $2,500. That pitch isn’t the problem. It’s not my cup of tea, but I’m willing to bet there is a market for (…)
What Do You See?
One of my favorite scenes in all of literature is from Raise High The Roof Beam Carpenters, Seymour an Introduction by J.D. Salinger. Who TF approved that title, I will never know, but remind yourself that a book with that title was published the next time you’re feeling down about your own prospects and you (…)
Stop Blaming Advertisers
For a hot second during quarantine Hulu had a bunch of old Bond movies up and my husband and I could not get enough. Old James Bond movies are terrible. They’re slow, the plots are dumb, the special effects are obvious, and the fight scenes are super awkward. They’re also EXTREMELY racist. Like, next-level offensive. (…)
Coronavirus Is Serious, But Panic Is Optional
Here’s What You Need To Know About Headlines and The Media To Stay Calm During a Pandemic
New Plan To Save America
So, I’m rereading Positioning by Al and Jack. And I have a new plan to save America. We bombard the DNC with this book. We send each front runner candidate 400 copies. We highlight the specific sections they should pay attention to and add sticky notes for emphasis. Then, we put this line from page eight on (…)