Slow Down
One of the greatest American contradictions is, “more is better.” We know it is not. We know, “a greater variety of choices actually makes us feel worse.” Schwartz, Barry. The Paradox of Choice, pp122-3. It’s why the best retailers, merchandisers, and marketers all seek to reduce your options. Choose this one – is the message at the heart (…)
A Few Things I’ve Learned About Writing
So, I’m knee-deep in book writing after a two-month hiatus of non-stop existential crises and some actual crises. I know they say circumstances are never ideal for creativity, but calmer would be nice. I heard Adam Grant say in an interview once that he used to write term papers in college while his roommate threw parties and it (…)
It’s Time To Start Writing
Writing is weird. It’s weird because in order to do it (well) you need long stretches of uninterrupted time. But when you get those long stretches of uninterrupted time, you go into a mental mind-fuckery of all the reasons why you can’t possibly write. And I blame Lizzy. Lizzy is the (not so) lovable asshole (…)
The Secret Marketing Tactics That Every Succesful Brand Knows
Actionable tactics. That’s what they tell you. More tactics! Whenever I give a talk, the conference organizers are like the tactics police: ACTIONABLE. WE NEED ACTIONABLE STUFF HERE OK. I love tactics too. I don’t want to go learn about SEO and someone gives me a shpiel on how I need to trust myself and (…)
Why We Need To Stop Trying To Do Things Right
Our obsession with “getting it right” is holding us back from doing our best work and preventing us from doing the ONE thing we actually need to do to grow.
What It Means To Do The Work
What does it *really* mean when we say “do the work?” Because we’re doing a LOT of work and nothing is happening.