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Why You Feel Like You’re Forcing It On Social Media (And What To Do About It)

How do we make ourselves NOT hate social media (and not feel like frauds who are forcing it)?

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Should You Be Yourself Online?

A few weeks ago, I put out an Instagram story I thought was hilarious. My fans thought it was hilarious too and I felt awesome for being an Insta celeb genius. I found out later that my hilarious story had offended some people. Some moms. And now there’s this group of parents who hate me. (…)

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Why Does All My Writing Suck?

On those days when you feel like a hack, don’t listen to your thoughts.

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How To Quash The Pressure Of Expectations and Defeat Self-Sabotage

There’s a woman who celebrates her wins with a donut. As in, she literally buys herself a donut every time something good happens in her career and then she posts a photo of it (click at your own hunger risk). It’s made her more appreciative of the little things, identifying more wins, blah blah blah we’ve all (…)

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Save the Best for First

On a random Tuesday in – actually no wait, maybe it was was a Wednesday? Honestly, I have no idea what day it was and it’s not at all relevant to the story. The story is that it was mid-day on a day with nothing planned when my mother found my grandmother getting all dolled up. My mom is (…)

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What’s Holding You Back From Doing Your Work?

She was like a character out of a storybook. The scary witch. Her hair disheveled and she always wore black and smelled like cigarettes. When I asked her for feedback on the fifth draft of my thesis, she said that I couldn’t use one of the books I’d chosen. “I get that you love it. (…)

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Does A Blog Really Matter For Your Business?

It’s like online marketing bible. “WRITE MORE!! START A BLOG! TELL YOUR STORY!!!” Every content marketer worth their weight in gold will tell you you’re an idiot if you don’t have a blog. “You gotta put your work out there!”  Where is there? I’m not sure, but I know the cool kids are there. “You (…)

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Kevin Smith’s Advice On Content Contradicts Everything You’ve Ever Read

Usually, when you have a celebrity at a niche conference it’s the event organizer’s way of apologizing for the lack of good content. “Don’t come for the marketing stuff, come see Mandy Moore!” #facepalm That’s how I felt about Kevin Smith, who was the keynote at Converted this week. Turns out, I was wrong. At 4:45 PM, (…)

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