Something A Little Different
You know when you eat too much cheese and you turn into a human blob of bloating and immobility? I feel like we’ve all eaten too much cheese. We’re encumbered. Some of us are encumbered with children or spouses, others encumbered with silence and stillness. They’re two sides of the same coin. You can’t have (…)
How To Become Exceptional and Extraordinary
Hi |*FIRST NAME*| I wrote that on purpose. It wasn’t a mistake. I wrote FIRST NAME and put asterisks around it and then added lines. DO YOU HAVE ANXIETY. The first time I sent an email out to a BIG list with, “Hi |*FIRST NAME*|,” I was 100% certain I was going to be fired. (…)
A New Definition of “Killing It”
A friend admitted recently she was embarrassed that she *actually* believed the marketing messages targeting her about making “6-figures while working 3-hours a week from the beach!” She was shrouded in shame as she told me and perplexed as to why she was STILL clinging to that dream. “I want it to be true,” she (…)
Why Feminism Isn’t Going Backwards, But Can’t Seem To Move Forward
Can we lay something to rest real quick? I’m hearing a lot of folks lament feminism going backward, citing how the majority of the domestic labor right now is falling on women. We’re taking care of the children, giving up our careers, and managing the household cooking, cleaning, and allthethings. I hear this. I feel (…)
The Future Of Work Is Right Now
Let’s start with uncomfortable truth #1: Rugged individualism is not a thing. This belief that you alone are responsible for your outcomes in life is absolute hogwash. Yes, I know, I’m supposed to open with an intro paragraph that warms you up, but we’re busy, after all, it’s a PANDEMIC. And I have like 10 (…)
Money or Impact?
Money or impact? Those are your choices. Allegedly. Allegedly there’s no middle ground. Allegedly, if you want to change the world, you should make money first. Then use your money to make an impact. There are big advantages to having money first. You’re less susceptible to making bad decisions “for the money” (because you already (…)
How To Poke A Hole
This week a friend of mine quit the online business world, quit self-help, and quit thought leadership. I encouraged his quitting because I don’t believe you should do things that aren’t aligned with who you are. But some of the reasons he cited for quitting were disturbing because they’re the same reasons I often want to bail (…)
What Happens When You Put Lazy Content Out There For a Click
A friend of mine has this fantastic online business idea. When he was explaining how he was going to grow it, he said something that hit me after we got off the phone: “I’ll just hire some writers to churn out some content for $150.” NO. No. No. nonononononononoooooooooo Listen, my inner Robber Baron gets it. (…)