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Times Are Heavy But We Need Not Be

We called my grandmother Mimi. Mimi used to say she’d need a nap after talking to me because I talked too fast and the topics were heavy. I’m comfortable in heavy. It’s my happy place because I have lots of questions and I can’t find answers in the superficial stuff. Yes, sure, the weather is (…)

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Copy Lessons From Ski School

When I was 5 my parents put me in ski school to learn how to ski. Five hours later they returned and I was a pile of tears. Not only could I not ski, I now HATED skiing. I had (and still have) terrible spatial awareness and my body doesn’t listen to my instructions. When (…)

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Think Deeper

Forty hours.  It took me 40. freaking. hours to write (and re-write and edit) the piece that led me to my first “viral” moment. For every “viral” moment I’ve had since, it’s taken about the same amount of work. Quality, for me, takes time. Time, patience, and so.much.editing.  Those three ingredients feel diametrically opposed to (…)

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Should You Work With This Client? (The Pink Flags Post)

When you play truth or dare, which one do you pick? TRUTH duh because dares always lead to recklessness and embarrassment. Ok, that is unsubstantiated. Truth can lead to those things too, but, in general, I am anti-dares because they terrify me. So when my friend Sarah “dared” me to get to my CTA in 400 words (…)

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See You On The Other Side

Few years ago Robert Cialdini wrote the book Influence that outlines the ways in which you can persuade people. [cue ethical debate here] We’ll talk ethics another time because today I want to talk consistency. It’s been a while since I read that book, but the chapter on commitment and consistency stands out as the (…)

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Something A Little Different

You know when you eat too much cheese and you turn into a human blob of bloating and immobility? I feel like we’ve all eaten too much cheese. We’re encumbered. Some of us are encumbered with children or spouses, others encumbered with silence and stillness. They’re two sides of the same coin. You can’t have (…)

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How To Become Exceptional and Extraordinary

Hi |*FIRST NAME*| I wrote that on purpose. It wasn’t a mistake. I wrote FIRST NAME and put asterisks around it and then added lines. DO YOU HAVE ANXIETY. The first time I sent an email out to a BIG list with, “Hi |*FIRST NAME*|,” I was 100% certain I was going to be fired. (…)

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A New Definition of “Killing It”

A friend admitted recently she was embarrassed that she *actually* believed the marketing messages targeting her about making “6-figures while working 3-hours a week from the beach!” She was shrouded in shame as she told me and perplexed as to why she was STILL clinging to that dream. “I want it to be true,” she (…)

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