Personal Growth
Something A Little Different
You know when you eat too much cheese and you turn into a human blob of bloating and immobility? I feel like we’ve all eaten too much cheese. We’re encumbered. Some of us are encumbered with children or spouses, others encumbered with silence and stillness. They’re two sides of the same coin. You can’t have (…)
How To Become Exceptional and Extraordinary
Hi |*FIRST NAME*| I wrote that on purpose. It wasn’t a mistake. I wrote FIRST NAME and put asterisks around it and then added lines. DO YOU HAVE ANXIETY. The first time I sent an email out to a BIG list with, “Hi |*FIRST NAME*|,” I was 100% certain I was going to be fired. (…)
Remote Bartending Is A Thing Now
Few years ago, I had my own column at Inc. Inc sold my email address to some company named Meltwater that has since distributed it to every bad PR company in the Western Hemisphere. No matter how many requests I make to be removed (and how many years go by that I am no longer an Inc (…)
Stay Curious My Friends
A friend of mine’s been insisting I listen to Brene Brown’s new podcast, Unlocking Us, but, instead, I did the opposite and just went on with my life. This particular friend doesn’t let up, so I reluctantly listened to Brene talk to Celeste Ng and Ibram X. Kendi and Kerry Washington and Alicia Keys and I WAS HOOKED BECAUSE IT’S A REALLY WONDERFUL (…)
Brace For Impact
I’m fighting every bone in my body that wants to win the Performance Activism Anti-Racist Olympics right now. Drive-by activism is appealing. I get to post and share and it doesn’t actually cost me anything. Listen, I am nowhere near qualified to address what’s happening right now and am in the midst of confronting my own (…)
Beauty Amidst A Pandemic
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens. Brown paper packages tied up with strings. 🎶Please tell me more of your fa-vor-ite thiiiiiiiings. 🎶 I need some good news y’all. Earlier this week my aunt shared a beautiful story about her friend whose family is thriving now that they’re not encumbered (…)
A New Definition of “Killing It”
A friend admitted recently she was embarrassed that she *actually* believed the marketing messages targeting her about making “6-figures while working 3-hours a week from the beach!” She was shrouded in shame as she told me and perplexed as to why she was STILL clinging to that dream. “I want it to be true,” she (…)
Why Feminism Isn’t Going Backwards, But Can’t Seem To Move Forward
Can we lay something to rest real quick? I’m hearing a lot of folks lament feminism going backward, citing how the majority of the domestic labor right now is falling on women. We’re taking care of the children, giving up our careers, and managing the household cooking, cleaning, and allthethings. I hear this. I feel (…)