Personal Growth
The Pressure To Write Something That Doesn’t Suck
Last week a reader asked me if I’d review her work before she published it publicly. I said that I could, but it wouldn’t help her solve her problem. Her problem was this: “It’s like I know I have a Picasso ready to be painted, but I only know how to do f$%^*@# stick figures.” There are two (…)
A Phantom Gary Vaynerchuk Yells at Me Every Night And It’s Time To Talk About It
Every night around 11PM a weird voice goes off in my head. It says the same thing each night: “I’m sorry, do you think you earned the luxury of going to bed at 11PM? Is your business where it should be? NO. NO, IT ISN’T. STEP UP YOUR GAME. WAKE TF BACK UP!! HUSTLE TIME!” (…)
No One Is Going to “Discover” Your Genius – Here’s What To Do Instead
One of my favorite movies is The Imitation Game. “When people talk to each other, they never say what they mean, they say something else. And you’re expected to just know what they mean.” Great marketing lesson. That’s why I advocate listening to what people don’t say. And one of the things people don’t say (…)
The Secrets Behind An 8-Figure Launch
I have no idea what the secrets are behind an 8-figure launch. But the fact that you assumed I did illustrates a point about human psychology I want to talk about today: our belief that other people know things we don’t. It’s why offering a “peek behind the curtain” is so darn compelling. We want (…)
What Just Happened
At some point last night, we all had that moment. That moment you tell your grandkids about, like where you were when Kennedy was shot or when the first tower was hit. Last night, that moment was, “Oh %^&!, he’s really going to win.” I was on the couch with my husband glued to our (…)
The Real Reason Self-Promotion Sucks
No one likes promoting themselves. It’s awkward, uncomfortable, and makes us all feel like we’re bragging and annoying people. When you start to feel like, “I’m not a salesperson. I’m the subject matter expert. I shouldn’t have to do this. I’m above this.” one of four things happens: You start to explore your paid-ad options (…)
When You’re Ready to Throw in the Towel
My fiancé was laughing at me. I had just declared my foray into entrepreneurialism a bust and he was laughing. “Who says “throwin’ in the towel’ anyway?” “I do.” “You’re not throwing in the towel.” “Yes, I am. I’m not cut out for this. I was wrong. This was stupid. It’s over.” Laughing. He was (…)