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On The Absence Of Art

I cannot understand the world’s desire to “speed read.” My preference is to slow it down, sit with an idea and let it marinate a little. More often, however, I get taken hostage by words. I cannot get beyond a paragraph because the words render me powerless to turn the page until I contend with them. (…)

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Time To Think

It started as an ordinary discussion of books and life, but ended (naturally) with a fight about Emily Dickinson. Not the Dickinson you remember from high school, the one on Apple TV (featuring Wiz Khalifa as death and John Mulaney as Thoreau. I KNOW RIGHT.). In the show, teenage Emily refuses to participate in household (…)

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Hold The Vision

There are two parallel universes emerging right now. One living in and with a pandemic and one merely annoyed by it. Day after day I get messages from friends and readers whose lives have been turned upside-down, while their newsfeeds boast of an unaffected population, still going to clubs and birthday parties and vacations to (…)

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Write Copy You’re Proud Of

There’s a category of businesses I call “cookie-cutter” because they all look the same.  You can tell who runs a cookie-cutter business because they’re obsessed with business “formulas” for scaling.  And they do it quite well. If you want to run a cookie-cutter business it will probably work, at least for a little while. Books (…)

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Copy Lessons From Ski School

When I was 5 my parents put me in ski school to learn how to ski. Five hours later they returned and I was a pile of tears. Not only could I not ski, I now HATED skiing. I had (and still have) terrible spatial awareness and my body doesn’t listen to my instructions. When (…)

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The Right Words Can’t Fix The Wrong Strategy

A colleague keeps asking for my thoughts on promoting his book and I haven’t had the courage to tell him I could not get past the first chapter. In my defense, the book is already published, so my feedback at this point isn’t mission-critical. If the man wanted true feedback he’d have sent it when (…)

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Pretension is Optional: What Wine and Writing Have In Common

We were in a cave. They call it a wine cellar, but it was a cave. Parts of it were charming and other parts were super creepy and you could tell that if the walls could talk they’d have had stories because they looked like they’d seen some shit since 1422. The thing I remember (…)

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How to Improve When You’re Not “Naturally” Talented

PSA: The Copy Workshop is open for enrollment for our January 2022 session. The workshop is $1,200 but for the next week, Akimbo is offering it for $800 in celebration of something I’ll tell you about later. For now, what you need to know is the price for the workshop will increase in one week. If you’d (…)

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