The Problem With “Tell Your Story”
When we read Crime and Punishment in college, my professor spent a full month on the significance of the confession. Not Raskolnikov’s because I don’t want to tell you if he confesses or not if you haven’t read it. But the act of confession itself. Like saying the truth out loud. Apparently, St. Augustine was big on (…)
Should You Use Clickbait to Get People to Read Your Stuff?
Should good people resort to using clickbait? If exaggerating claims with your headlines works, is it wrong to do it? Margo explains the role of a headline
Why Does All My Writing Suck?
On those days when you feel like a hack, don’t listen to your thoughts.
The Single Most Important Skill You Need To Be Culitvating in 2019
AMENITY LOUNGE SATURDAY 1-4PM Just a friendly reminder we will be having a birthday party for our son in the amenity lounge on Saturday from 1-4PM. We know the space can’t be reserved, so we hope this doesn’t interfere with anyone’s plans! Thanks so much! If this opener made you want to vomit in your (…)
Hillary and Margo YELL AT WEBSITES: #HAMYAW is here
It was a cold and rainy night in Manhattan. Two well-dressed women were out for dinner when they decided to class-it-up and get some cheap beer at a local pub. And that night. Magic happened. Woman #1, who we will heretofore refer to as “Margo,” was lamenting how awkward and weird she is on camera, (…)
Save the Best for First
On a random Tuesday in – actually no wait, maybe it was was a Wednesday? Honestly, I have no idea what day it was and it’s not at all relevant to the story. The story is that it was mid-day on a day with nothing planned when my mother found my grandmother getting all dolled up. My mom is (…)
What’s Holding You Back From Doing Your Work?
She was like a character out of a storybook. The scary witch. Her hair disheveled and she always wore black and smelled like cigarettes. When I asked her for feedback on the fifth draft of my thesis, she said that I couldn’t use one of the books I’d chosen. “I get that you love it. (…)
Does A Blog Really Matter For Your Business?
It’s like online marketing bible. “WRITE MORE!! START A BLOG! TELL YOUR STORY!!!” Every content marketer worth their weight in gold will tell you you’re an idiot if you don’t have a blog. “You gotta put your work out there!” Where is there? I’m not sure, but I know the cool kids are there. “You (…)