I write things
Mostly for me, but also for other publications. To get my writing in your inbox, sign up for my newsletter.
The Secret Marketing Tactics That Every Succesful Brand Knows
Actionable tactics. That’s what they tell you. More tactics! Whenever I give a talk, the conference organizers are like the tactics police: ACTIONABLE. WE NEED ACTIONABLE STUFF HERE OK. I love tactics too. I don’t want to go learn about SEO and someone gives me a shpiel on how I need to trust myself and (…)
The Problem With “Tell Your Story”
When we read Crime and Punishment in college, my professor spent a full month on the significance of the confession. Not Raskolnikov’s because I don’t want to tell you if he confesses or not if you haven’t read it. But the act of confession itself. Like saying the truth out loud. Apparently, St. Augustine was big on (…)
Why We Need To Stop Trying To Do Things Right
Our obsession with “getting it right” is holding us back from doing our best work and preventing us from doing the ONE thing we actually need to do to grow.
My Most Popular Articles
Well, it’s summer. Which means, you’re off at some beach and I’m stuck at home wishing and hoping and planning and dreaming you read this. It also means…I GET TO PHONE IT IN THIS WEEK. I’ve gotten a lot of flack from people about the disorganization of my content (which is totally fair), so I (…)
Bro, Do You Even Boundaries?
Do you have garbage boundaries? WE DO. If you feel like no one respects your time, we feel your pain. Learn from our mistakes, in this episode of Hillary and Margo Yell at Websites…
What It Means To Be A Revolutionary
The new battleground is the status quo. The new revolutionaries are the ones willing to challenge it.
What It Means To Do The Work
What does it *really* mean when we say “do the work?” Because we’re doing a LOT of work and nothing is happening.
Should You Use Clickbait to Get People to Read Your Stuff?
Should good people resort to using clickbait? If exaggerating claims with your headlines works, is it wrong to do it? Margo explains the role of a headline
How To Rebrand Like a Beast
Don’t get stuck rewriting your about page 600 times. This is how and why you should do a “proper” rebrand (and when you absolutely DONT need to).